Stamford Early Childhood Community Event

On April 14, 2021, the 0-5 Early Childhood CAN hosted a virtual Early Childhood Community event with 90 attendees. The event featured Jessica Sager, CEO of All Our Kin, as the keynote speaker. Information and resources were shared from five community providers including: Abilis (Birth to Three), the Ferguson Library, Early Childhood Consultation Partnership, Child First, and Stamford Public Schools on Kindergarten Registration.

We also had small group discussions on six topics: Health and Safety, Staff Mental Wellness, Social Emotional Wellness for Young Children, Economic Resources for Early Childhood Programs, ASQ & Sparkler, and PKTS & PELI.

See our brief visual summary of the event here.

See attendee feedback survey results here.

Event Materials and Resources:


Community Resources:


Small Group Discussions: