Cafe con la Super

888 Washington Blvd Stamford, CT, United States

Cafe con la Super  Spanish Language Parent Meeting with Dr. Tamu Lucero, Stamford Public Schools Superintendent Topic: Kindergarten Registration  & Readiness Find out what you need to know about kindergarten, including age requirements, the documents needed for registration, and how to prepare your child for a successful transition to elementary school.  This meeting is open … Continue reading "Cafe con la Super"


Simplifique sus impuestos con servicios tributarios gratuitos. Unase a la oradora Leidy Díaz, gerente sénior de operaciones de Simplify CT LO QUE APRENDERÁS• Cómo acceder a servicios tributarios gratuitos• Consejos para organizar sus documentos tributarios• Deducciones y créditos fiscales comunes para los que podríacalificarÚNETE A NOSOTROS EL 14DE ENERO A LAS 6:30 PM

SC2C Meet

1150 Summer St Stamford, CT, United States

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SCOPES – Managing Disagreements & Disputes

Managing Disagreements & DisputesResearch shows that when families and school staff worktogether, student outcomes improve. Despite everyone’s bestefforts, sometimes disagreements or disputes may occur betweenfamilies and members of a student's planning and placement team(PPT).Join us via ZOOM as Leona Adamczyk from the Connecticut ParentAdvocacy Center, Inc. (CPAC) shares strategies for managingdisagreements or disputes between family … Continue reading "SCOPES – Managing Disagreements & Disputes"

Facing Racism in Stamford

Facing Racism in StamfordEvery Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m from January 8th to February 12th. Main Library, DiMattia Building, Third Floor AuditoriumA six-part series of dialogues uniting Stamford residents, where we will learn about each other and look at our community through the lens of racial equity.Attendance at all sessions is required; sessions conclude February 12.Food … Continue reading "Facing Racism in Stamford"

SC2C Meet

Boy's & Girl's Club of Stamford 347 Stillwater Ave, Stamford, CT, United States

Join with Google Meet: Learn more about Meet at:

FREE Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

Park215 215 Stillwater Ave, Stamford, CT, United States

The Stamford Youth Mental Health Alliance (YMHA) is offering four Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) trainings this fall for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course covers common mental health challenges, adolescent development, and a five-step action plan for assisting young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations.Location:Park215, 215 Stillwater Avenue, StamfordCost: FreeRegistration:Register early with … Continue reading "FREE Youth Mental Health First Aid Training"

Newborn Literacy Project Launch

1 Hospital Plaza Stamford, CT, United States

The Books for Babies program is growing at Stamford Hospital.Join us for a ribbon cutting and remarks at The Hackett Family Maternity Unit's waiting room on the 3rd floor of the Whittingham Pavilion located at 1 Hospital Plaza, Stamford.

SC2C Meet

1150 Summer St Stamford, CT, United States

Join with Google Meet: Learn more about Meet at:

Facing Racism in Stamford

Facing Racism in StamfordEvery Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m from January 8th to February 12th. Main Library, DiMattia Building, Third Floor AuditoriumA six-part series of dialogues uniting Stamford residents, where we will learn about each other and look at our community through the lens of racial equity.Attendance at all sessions is required; sessions conclude February 12.Food … Continue reading "Facing Racism in Stamford"

Funding Our Future

Boy's & Girl's Club of Stamford 347 Stillwater Ave, Stamford, CT, United States

Join Us for a Community Forum: Understanding Stamford Public School Budgets Register Here - Are you curious about how Stamford Public Schools’ budgets are created and managed? This forum is your opportunity to gain the tools and knowledge to understand the process and contribute meaningfully. What You’ll Learn: How SPS develops, proposes, and finalizes its … Continue reading "Funding Our Future"