HUSKY 101 in Spanish

Conviértete en un mensajero de salud de Husky! Aprenda cómo promover la inscripción en HUSKY y apoyar los resultados de salud equitativos y el éxito infantil en su comunidad.Únase a nosotros el 17 de noviembre de 10 am a 11 am. Enlace de Zoom.

Help Your Student Learn to Read

Join us for a parent workshop led by Stamford Public Schools.The workshop will share how the school district teaches reading in grades K-3, how to understand the literacy assessment and report card, and about resources you can use at home to help with reading.Light Dinner ProvidedChild Care ProvidedSpanish Interpretation Provided Join us on:Wednesday, November 30 from … Continue reading "Help Your Student Learn to Read"

Panorama | Stamford PS | Responding to Survey Results in Practice (Level 2)

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The Civics of Education: Policy & Change

Virtual via Zoom. Register here:

TheCivics of Education: Policy & ChangeTuesday,December 6th, 7:00-8:00 pmVirtualvia Zoom. Register here. SpanishInterpretation provided. Ledby Erika Haynes, CT School and State Finance Project When’sthe last time you questioned something and were met with the response, “That’sthe policy”?Didyou ever wonder what policy is, who makes the policy, or how you can go aboutchanging policy?Howdo you add your voice to … Continue reading "The Civics of Education: Policy & Change"

Understanding Restorative Practices: A Workshop for Families

Virtual Via Zoom. Register here:

Restorative Practices Workshop for Families Stamford Public Schools Families are invited to UnderstandingRestorative Practices: A Workshop for Families on Wednesday,December 7 at 6 pm via Zoom.Restorative Practices is a social science that recognizes theimportance of prioritizing the relationships and connections between and amongall people within a school community and provides a framework for creatingpositive school climate and culture.SPS and … Continue reading "Understanding Restorative Practices: A Workshop for Families"