The Civics of Education: Policy & Change
Did you ever wonder what policy is?
When’s the last time you questioned something and were met with the response, “That’s the policy”?
Did you ever wonder what policy is, who makes the policy, or how you can go about changing policy?
How do you add your voice to the education conversation in your community and in the state?
In this workshop, we examined the nature of education beyond the walls of a classroom. We explored what “policy” is, the roles and stakeholders that intersect with the education decision-making processes, and where you can have the most impact for change.
Spanish Interpretation provided.
Workshop led by Erika Haynes, CT School and State Finance Project, via zoom on Tuesday, February 7th, from 7:00pm to 8:00 pm
Click here to watch Policy and Change video
Click here to read powerpoint presentation
Click here for a copy of the flyer in English & Spanish
Co-sponsored by Stamford Cradle to Career and Stamford Public Education Foundation