January Professional Development
Professional Development for the Month of January
State Education Resource Center:
SERC in collaboration with the CSDE will develop and present bi-weekly Talk Tuesday sessions. Talk Tuesdays are a “drop-in” networking opportunity that provides district and school staff an opportunity to learn about “what’s new”, hear from topic area experts and support each other and their work to improve student attendance and engagement. Virtual sessions are held bi-weekly and engage state agency, district and school staff in an open dialogue around student attendance and engagement.
Comunidad de Padres (Parent Village) Sesión para familias Diaz 1 de 4
Wednesday, January 10, 2024 from 6pm to 8pm. Multi-Day
¡Se parte de la creación de una Nación de Padres!
¿Te resulta difícil sobrellevar todo lo que tienes que hacer? ¿Te vendría bien una comunidad de apoyo? ¿Te gustaría ejercer tu poder para aliviar las tensiones y cargas del día a día?
¡Únete a nuestra comunidad De Padres!
Cultivar/Crear Comunidad
Somos una un lugar donde nos sentimos honrados y respetados, donde creamos comunidad con otros padres. Es un lugar donde compartimos nuestras luchas y vemos que no estamos solos. Es donde nos reuniremos para dar y recibir apoyo unos a otros.
Para Familia, Educadores Miembros de la Comunidad
¡Se parte de la creación de una Nación de Padres! – Spanish
*Este es un evento de cuatro (4) días
miércoles, 10 de enero de 2024 de 6:00pm – 8:00pm
miércoles, 24 de enero de 2024 de 6:00pm – 8:00pm
miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2024 de 6:00pm – 8:00pm
miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2024 de 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Click here to register
Classroom Practices for Improving Student Learning and Behavior Day 1 of 5
Thursday, January 18th, 9:00-10:30 AM (ET)
In this series of professional learning opportunities, participants will better understand their role in creating inclusive classroom environments for all learners. The sessions will cover 10 evidence-based strategies in proactive behavior management in a flexible system that can be adapted to any classroom environment. Participants will learn about strategies in building relationships in the classroom, embedding the language of expectations into praise and correction, escalation and de-escalation, and classroom implementation of behavior support plans. High-leverage instructional practices to support academic progress, along with specific literacy strategies, will be covered.
Grade Level: K-12
Presenters: Nikki Hendry and Christine Kuehlewind, SERC Consultants
Click here to register
GEER Pint Sized PD:
The Governor’s Education Emergency Relief (GEER) Fund a program from the OEC in partnership with NEAT, the RESC Alliance, and All OurKin, is pleased to present the in-person Pint-Sized PD professional learning calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.
The GEER in-person Pint-Sized PD professional learning sessions are intended to provide early childhood program providers and staff with the opportunity to learn how to best leverage, or use, technology to support instruction, communicate with families, and allow for authentic learning.
These free professional learning sessions are held throughout the state of Connecticut and are open to all early childhood care educators.
Please review GEER’s in-person Pint-Sized PD offerings and register to attend each session of your choosing. For questions and/or additional
information, please contact Lisa Seales, lseales@aces.org.
Creating & Using Digital “All About Me” Books
Friday, January 19, 2024. 12:30pm-3:30pm
This in-person session will support preschool/kindergarten teachers and early child care administrators in learning
about tech tools that can be used in the creation and sharing of All About Me books. They will explore the creation of
these books as a way to get to know each child and their families. They will discuss using these books to assist with
child assessment and as an engaging way to share info with families.
Click here to register
Meaningful Communication for Family Engagement
Monday, January 29, 2024, 9:00am-12:00pm
This session will allow participants to gain a deeper understanding on best practices in communicating digitally with families. This session will focus on strategies to engage families, while keeping them informed, as well as encourage families to participate in their child’s academic and social journey.
Click here to register
Click here to see Pint-Sized PD professional learning calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.
Stamford Youth Mental Health Alliance:
Understanding Sizeism: What is it, and why should we learn about it?
Tuesday, January 30th, 2024, 11am – 1pm
Learn what sizeism is and why it’s one of the identities youth development professionals should know more about. Size has a visual component that people can make an immediate judgement about, and it remains one of the most targeted identities. Join us as we explore the many facets of this controversial topic and the stigmas surrounding body image and size.
Please RSVP to jdegennaro@domuskids.org by January 25th as we need a headcount. Please sign up early: Capacity is limited to 35 people.
Questions? Please contact Julie: jdegennaro@domuskids.org
Women Business Development Council:
Marketing Made Simple: ChatGPT to Supercharge Your Content Creation
Tuesday, January 9, 1:00pm- 2:00 pm
This interactive class will help you learn how to use ChatGPT to simplify your content marketing. Designed for budding marketers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners, this class will help you dominate your social media game with ChatGPT. Be it content ideas, captions, graphic text, hashtags, or even engaging through comments, you’ll learn how to manage all of it like a pro.
Click here to register
Ready To Grow: Getting Your Business To the Next Level
Thursday, January 18, 1:00pm- 2:30 pm
You’ve been running a business for a while now. You’re profitable, but you feel like your capacity is maxed out. You need a new strategy to take your business to the next level.
Join WBDC’s Carol Cheswick to learn how to think about opportunities for growth for your business. Explore whether you should expand into new markets, new products or offerings, or both. Consider the timing, investment needed, and risk involved. Carol will take you through practical examples of what growth looks like and will guide you in a collaborative workshop to explore what your business’s growth looks like.
Click here to register
Financial Foundations:1099 Facts – Who, What, When and How to do them
Friday, January 19, 12:00pm- 1:00 pm
Businesses are required to submit 1099s to the IRS and DRS by January 31. Join WBDC’s Business Advisor, Sherry Konwerski as she gives helpful tips and suggestions to get you prepared.
- Who are you required to submit a 1099 for?
- What form do you given them, 1099-MIS, 1099-NEC, or ?
- When are the forms due?
- How do I create them?
Click here to register
Click here to register for January classes