Exploring Race Through Conversation
Recorded videos are available for the following sessions:
Presenter: Olympia Della Flora
Assistant Superintendent, Stamford Public Schools
Olympia will lead a discussion that will include small breakout groups focused on mini-films that capture young people’s thoughts and personal experiences with racial bias. The powerful and candid mini-films help spark personal reflection and discussion. We hope you will join us.
To download the flyer, click here
Please take our very brief survey if you didn’t have the chance during the session. Click here to take the survey.
Here are the other resources/links shared during the session. Please consider using and taking these back to your organization, friends, family.
Exploring Race Through Conversation Resources
- Link to the NYTimes mini-films: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/15/learning/lesson-plans/25-mini-films-for-exploring-race-bias-and-identity-with-students.html
- Questions for Discussion:
- How do you connect with this video clip?
- How does this information help or hinder you?
- Did the video clip give you a check-in about your own mindset or lens? If so, what did you realize, reflect on, or observe?
- What are ways that you can engage in or create frameworks for engagement that include conversations about race within your organizations?
- Here’s the link and passcode to view the recording for today’s session (only the main room portions, NOT the breakout room discussion): https://zoom.us/rec/share/_u9RWLlSfVa6g1Vw3TzPQfpKlLjB0RurbB-tSzoHGwc6L3UOwtRtKOjyb2fhYVeW.VLxjPt5L_vD2-P-Y
- Passcode: 0$B*bf7V