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Resources for Families and Students


School Calendar (SPS)


Office of Family & Community Engagement (SPS)


English Learners Department


Transportation (SPS)


Food Service (SPS)


Household Income Survey Form

  • To have a letter from Stamford Public Schools in order to prove eligibility for a reduction in fees for camps, exams, or other such services should complete the Household Income Survey, which can be found here. 
  • Para obtener una carta de las Escuelas Públicas de Stamford para demostrar la elegibilidad para una reducción en las tarifas de campamentos, exámenes u otros servicios similares, debe completar la Encuesta de ingresos del hogar, que se puede encontrar aquí.


Student Support (SPS)


Medical Services


Board of Education 

Board of Education Members


Regular Meeting Dates / Livestream Link:

2022 Meeting Dates


PTO Information


Social Services (City of Stamford)


Apply for SNAP


Apply for HUSKY Insurance


Alice Enrichment Fund


Internet Services for Low-Income Families


SC2C Family Resources Group


Here to Help (SPEF)