2021 Summer Enrichment Program Summary
To download a copy of the Summer Enrichment Program Summary, click here.
Thank you for participating in our first ever afternoon enrichment program. We appreciate your patience. Scroll down to learn about the activities provided this summer. You can also click on the name of the program provider to connect with their website.
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To download a copy of a flyer describing these programs, click here.
Peak Performance Certified Physical Education Teachers used age appropriate sports and physical education to promote health and good sportsmanship.
PEACE Basketball Children learned the fundamentals of basketball while improving their skills at any level in a fun and safe environment thanks to their top-notch curriculum.
Grassroots Tennis & Education Children learned the rules and skills that make tennis such a fun sport to play. Children also focused on character building exercises to ensure success on and off the court.
Bobby Valentine’s Sports Academy Children built character and improved their skills across sports such as soccer, baseball, softball and lacrosse.
Stamford Museum & Nature Center Children used science, math, literacy, and art to explore the nature around them. We tied animals, authors, and art together through stories while meeting some of the animals from our center.
SoundWaters Children explored the Long Island Sound habitat through meaningful science experiments and adventures. They assessed water quality and learned about the kinds of animals calling Long Island Sound home.
Arts in CT Students participated in a variety of custom arts integration programs like Wacky Science, Prancing Majorettes, Visual Arts, Fashion Design, Arts and Crafts, Edible Arts, Tumbling, Contemporary Dance, Hip Hop, and Voice Class.
Happy Code Through experiential learning, students learned about game designs and robotics and incorporated their own ideas into coding. By relating these technology concepts to the games and devices many children already use, we use 21st century skills to inspire students potential future careers.
Project Music Children received an introduction to band and music through the introduction of a diverse array of instruments. From there students learned about instrument technique, how to read music, and the art of composition.
INTEMPO Children gained exposure to instruments such as percussion, guitar, and ukulele. Children also learned how to move their bodies to Latin American dance as well as how to digitally produce music (middle school). In addition to music, students were also supported with academic enrichment in literacy and STEM.
ROSCCO ROSCCO provided well rounded enrichment opportunities encompassing STEAM, Social Emotional, Physical Fitness, and Cultural Awareness. Activities included, but aren’t limited to: Mad Science, Zumba, Stepping Stones, flying Drones, arts and crafts, sports, board games, and more.
STAMFORD YMCA Stamford YMCA’s summer program engaged students in activities that support their physical and emotional development including sports, arts & crafts, dance, STEM activities, and swim lessons. Campers develop intangible life skills that include negotiation, collaboration, and active listening.